Shoes related stuff

2/16/2015 0 Comments

Hi guys,
So sorry I haven´t posted in a while but I have been quite busy with school stuff.

Just for the record, I´m officially tall. So I can´t wear big shoes or boots that make even more tall, otherwise I look like a pole. Anyways, although I can´t wear them, it doesn´t mean I can´t wish for them in the showcases of the stores or in other people´s feet (please don´t judge me).

I´m completely crazy for Docs, although I don´t own a single pair (still in progress to convince Dad to give me one). I mean they´re so fashion and look so comfy and warm, perfect for snowy and freezing days.
These are one of my favourite Docs. I also like the dark red ones.

Other kind off boots that I also have a crush on is chunky boots. These ones I definitely can´t wear because the only ones I like are too high for me. Oz has some pretty pairs.
These ones are my eternal favourites, the ones I shall crave ´till the day I die.

I hope that you all enjoyed this post and that I´ve inspired you into buying boots.
Bye guys :)

(All pictures in this post were taken from Le-Happy)

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