Salute to the nerd population

12/08/2014 0 Comments

Ok, here we go
First post about books.... I don´t know what to write in here but I hope you enjoy it anyway

The title of this post is not any sort of insult to anyone who is reading this. I consider myself a nerd because I´m obsessed with books, I could spend my entire day reading to be honest.

One of the most strange things about me (or at least it`s what people tell me) is that when I like a book I can read it over and over and never get tired of it!
I think I´ve already read Harry Potter´s books like 5 times each (and no I´m not fanatic, and no I
don´t have my entire room decorated with Harry Poterr´s stuff).

I hope I´m not the only one in this world like that, it would be too sad for me.

Here goes a list of the books that I´ve read most:
1- Harry Potter (5 times each)
2- The Hunger Games (3 times each)
3- Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant (3 times each)
4- Looking for Alaska (3 times)
5- The fault in our stars (2 times)
And the list goes on and on because everytime I read a book that I like I read it again :)

For me, there´s no better thing than books (except for chocolate, because there´s nothing better than chocolate).
"You´re never alone if you have a book to read"

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