Divergently addicted

12/10/2014 0 Comments

Hi guys!

One of my many many, many, many addictions is Divergent (the book obviously). I love the story, the drama, the characters, basically everything in that book. The way how Veronica Roth leads ous through the cenary and makes ous imagine every scene is just genius! I mean the damn womem as to be a genius, otherwise how could she write a book like that without being one?
The all story is great, the way she describes every place, every character and every scene makes me feel like I´m watching a movie by reading those pages! Just awesome!!!!
I´m pretty sure that if not all of you, then the most, have seen the movie. Well I like the movie, but it doesn´t even compare to the book. The truth is that when they convert books into movies, most of the details, those short dialogs that you read get lost in the process and don´t show up in the movie. At the first sight it doesn´t look like a big lost but if you compare the book and the movie you´ll see that all the romantic thing between Tris and Four doesn´t really show up and it´s kinda disappointing.
Anyways I like the movie just and I think it´s worth seeing but the book is much better.

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